Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's Past Is Not Forgotten~The Reunion


There have been many changes since the last chapter in the lives of the Knox Hill crew.The secrets,betrayal, sex, lies, and lust continue from “What‘s Past Is Not Forgotten.” There is neglect, abuse, death and a murder. Yes, BigRed is murdered and Joi is the chief suspect. She is the last person to of allegedly seen him alive. The question is did she do it? She claims not to remember killing him. Why can’t she remember? Does she even what to remember? Was it the abuse, the cheating, lying or did she snap and take matters in her own hands? Did Joi really kill BigRed? Alternatively, was their someone else who hated him enough to kill him? Come find out what has been going on in the Knox Hill crew’s lives. You’re going to laugh, and cry, most of all you will be satisfied that you are invited to The Reunion.


In a packed courtroom, there are news reporters, friends, family members, enemies, and just plain curious folks who all wanted to know, who killed BigRed Taylor.
BigRed’s mom and dad are in the courtroom, as well as, Joi’s mom, dad, and her brother, Steve. They are there for the support of the accused, Joi Parker. She was the last person to allegedly see BigRed alive. Nina received a subpoena to appear and Paul is there for Nina’s support.
Joi is led into the small, crowded courtroom in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, compliments of the Women’s Detention Center in Upper Marlboro, Maryland where she had spent the last six months before the trial. Her hair is disheveled and she seemed psychotic. She looked beat down, dark circles sat under her sunken eyes, and her lips were crooked from being often battered at the hands of BigRed. Joi is sickeningly thin.
Tears filled Mrs. Parker’s eyes as she watched her baby being escorted into the courtroom by two burly marshals. Joi never made eye contact with anyone. Stumbling, with her head down, she is quickly ushered to her seat at the defendant’s table.
Sitting next to her court appointed lawyer, Joi is oblivious to what is going on. Her lawyer, Harry Lebowitze, is fresh out of law school and Joi’s case just happened to be his first trial. He leaned over and whispered to her, “Ms. Parker, are you alright?”
For the first time, Joi looked Harry in the face and said, “I didn’t kill him, I swear on my son.” She began to whimper, “Why would I kill him? I loved him.”
Harry rubbed Joi’s back and assured her, “Ms. Parker, I’m going to do whatever it takes to prove your innocence.”
Thank you…what is your name again?” Joi asked nonchalantly.
“My name is Harry Lebowitze, Ms. Parker,” he answered in an agitated tone.
Where is Ray Shawn…?”
Before Harry could answer Joi, the court officer announced, “All rise, order in the court, the Honorable Judge Walter Shultz presiding.”
The judge is a tall, old, white man with thick eyebrows, a head full of white hair, and a kind face. When the judge sat down, the court official bellowed, “You may be seated!” The officer handed the judge a folder saying, “This is case number 234128, The State of Maryland versus Joi Parker...”